Where's the slow lane?
Where's the slow lane?
One Way?
One Way?
I Don't Need No Stinkin' Gym!
I Don't Need No Stinkin' Gym!
All Are Welcomed
All Are Welcomed
Local Calls Only
Local Calls Only
Cash Liquidity
Cash Liquidity
The Doors of the Church Are Opened
The Doors of the Church Are Opened
Artist’s Statement
This series, titled “Signs and Doors,” uses the framing capabilities of the camera:  with the selective use of angles and perspective I can provide the viewer information, not necessarily of what exists, but the story that I, the image-maker, want to share. As an artist, I want to pass on my interpretation of a truth and begin a dialogue within my community on how we interact with each other.
I use muted humor and the straight, topographic style of artists like Robert Adams and Henry Wessel to show a perspective of not only what I believe to be true, but what I think might not be so. In the image “One Way,” am I illuminating a truth that “Jesus is the “ONE way for all; is that a universal truth for all belief systems? If so, why do believers falter at entering completely? I want this work to reflect my beliefs in a way that everyone can enjoy; the type of folk that like “Dogs Playing Cards,” my folk, who chuckle and say, “Yes, me too, sometimes.”  After the initial chuckle, I want people to wonder why I chose to explore that idea at all...is there truth here?
I place great importance on what this series communicates. I want the viewer to experience humor and consider my perspective of a truth. Specifically, I want to share a perspective of information that reflect in our social compacts; ideas that are perceived of as having value, and that we then can change for the benefit of all.

                                                        © 2022 ephraimcalbertphotography - All Rights Reserved

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