Artist’s Statement
This series, titled “Signs and Doors,” uses the framing capabilities of the camera: with the selective use of angles and perspective I can provide the viewer information, not necessarily of what exists, but the story that I, the image-maker, want to share. As an artist, I want to pass on my interpretation of a truth and begin a dialogue within my community on how we interact with each other.
I use muted humor and the straight, topographic style of artists like Robert Adams and Henry Wessel to show a perspective of not only what I believe to be true, but what I think might not be so. In the image “One Way,” am I illuminating a truth that “Jesus is the “ONE way for all; is that a universal truth for all belief systems? If so, why do believers falter at entering completely? I want this work to reflect my beliefs in a way that everyone can enjoy; the type of folk that like “Dogs Playing Cards,” my folk, who chuckle and say, “Yes, me too, sometimes.” After the initial chuckle, I want people to wonder why I chose to explore that idea at there truth here?
I place great importance on what this series communicates. I want the viewer to experience humor and consider my perspective of a truth. Specifically, I want to share a perspective of information that reflect in our social compacts; ideas that are perceived of as having value, and that we then can change for the benefit of all.
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